Name Property (AddressEntry Object) 

The Name property returns or sets the display name or alias of the AddressEntry object as a string. Read/write.



Data Type



The AddressEntry object is typically used as a copy of valid addressing information obtained from the address book after you have called the Recipient object s Resolve method.

When you obtain the AddressEntry object in this context, you should not modify its properties. To request resolution of a display name, use the Recipient object s Name property instead. Set the Name property and call the Recipient object s Resolve method.

The Name property corresponds to the MAPI property PR_DISPLAY_NAME.

The Name property is the default property of an AddressEntry object, meaning that AddressEntry is syntactically equivalent to AddressEntry.Name in Visual Basic code.


' for values of variables, see AddressEntry Address property

' Recipient and AddressEntry display names are the same

    strMsg = "Recipient name = " & objOneRecip.Name

    strMsg = strMsg & "; AddressEntry name = " & objAddrEntry.Name

    MsgBox strMsg


See Also

Recipient Object_SDVUS, Resolve Method (Recipient Object)4APNYUP, Using Addresses2A0H2CP